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ABC has much to offer our student community

Our objective is to contribute to the integral development of each one of them, through academic, cultural and social experiences. We offer a wide variety of activities, in which students and their families can participate and learn. Come and meet us and participate in the activities that we offer you.

STUDENT and parental SUPPORT

Virtual Platform: This platform is in place so that students, parents and teachers can comunícate in real time, access content and study material, receive and send work, and review the school calendar, schedules and snack shop menu.

We promote the following programs: DARE, Bebe Piensalo Bien (pregnancy prevention), Zero Tolerance for Bullying.

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CoviD-19 Security measures: ABC follows all health protocols established by the CR Ministry of Health.

Persons authorized For student pick-up: Only those authorized by the family may pick up students from the institution.  Additional authorizations may be issued in the ABC reception.

Green areas: The entire institution, along with green areas, is surrounded by a chain link fence.

Parking: A large, private parking lot is available for safe student drop-off and pick-up via family vehicle or student transport bus.



Alejandra Steller and Mauricio Salas.


We were NEVER treated as a number, but as a family with a son with severe ADHD and a daughter with dyslexia and Passive ADD. They ALWAYS had alternatives at hand, patience, love, communication tools, etc., and we and our children spent those years of academic and moral formation in the best possible way.​


Oldemar Sandí and Yendry Pérez.


Our children entered ABC from Preparatory and last year they graduated from 6th grade. For these 8 years, we categorically say, as parents, that the comprehensive experience received at ABC has fulfilled our expectations, because it is what we want and aspire for our children; excellent academic preparation in a healthy environment conducive for learning.

We are thankful to ABC for this time, as the teaching and administrative staff have shown us commitment, understanding and great professionalism, and have provided    us with quality academics.


Frequently asked questions


How does the virtual, face-to-face and mixed modality work?

Our institution has the platform to teach classes in the modality that is needed, whether virtual, face-to-face or mixed. The student's family, in times of pandemic, can decide the modality that best suits them according to their particular situation.

When does the school year start and end?

The school year begins the second week of February and runs until November 30.

What are the dates of Ordinary and Extraordinary registration?

During the month of July it is the official one, but it can be extended until the end of the year or there is space.

Does my child need a computer at the institution?

If you are going to receive virtual classes, it is very important to have one.  At ABC we have two fully equipped computer labs.

What are the activities in which my child can participate?

Institutionally they are: Science Fair, English Day, Family Day, Lantern Parade, Torch.

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